We received from our patients the highest medal of trust: Five stars WHAT CLINIC vote for us :))) Thank you. You are wonderful!
Polmed Travel are people who for generations are associated with medicine. On their experience and knowledge is based on our business. Its headquarters is located in Wroclaw, Poland - one of the most beautiful cities, known as the Venice of Northern Europe. Clinics we work with the highest standards when it comes to medical equipment. But our greatest asset are the doctors, experienced specialists in the field of plastic surgery, orthopedics, treatment of varicose veins and dentistry and implantology.
niedziela, 6 stycznia 2013
czwartek, 10 maja 2012
Hair Transplantation
Procedure of hair transplantation:
This treatment is in local anesthesia. We are taking from the back and bottom (this is a place when your hair will never fall out) of your head small sample of skin with hair. This small section has got about couple of millimeters and it's share for smaller pieces with few follicles on it. After that ever each piece is replacing to the place when your hair are gone. There are no discards of such transplantation, because it's grafted our own body. However the result depend on skin blood flow in the first days after transplantation.
Important! None of hair transplant surgery will give 100% effect. This is because part of the hair follicle dies after transplant. The reason is the blood supply to the scalp - in every man this processes are individual.
This is the best method of hair transplantation.
After 7 days there may be just few almost invisible remnants of the scabs.
środa, 8 lutego 2012
Plastic surgery in Poland. Polmed Travel.
We welcome you, dear readers.
With our services, we opened up in Europe until a few months ago. We are very pleased, as we evaluate our POLMED Travel and medical patients. Here are their opinions.
This is the clinic's favorite review
"Chin Implant"100%
Were you pleased with the treatment?
I travelled to Wroclaw early January to have my surgery. Overall the process was smooth, efficient and the staff were absolutely lovely and made me feel at ease at all times. I was greeted at the airport by representatives of PolMedTravel, who not only took me to the clinic on multiple occasions but also to my hotel. Throughout my stay, they were quick to answer all my questions and nothing was too much trouble for them. They even provided me with a local mobile phone to contact them if I had any problems when I was by myself. The surgery was relatively quick and painless and so far the results are just what I had imagined. Dr. Peter Rataj was very thorough at explaining the steps to me and ensuring that we achieved the right aesthetic, based on my face shape. He was a very gentle surgeon and I had minimal discomfort during the procedure as well as afterwards. The clinic where I had my surgery was clean and in great condition and the staff were very friendly. From my experience, I have no hesitation recommending it and PolMed Travel to anybody interested in cosmetic procedures! I will definitely return!
Chin Implant
"Great experience"88%
Were you pleased with the treatment?
Thank you Polmed Travel, great experience with the dentist !!!
"Recommend it"90%
Were you pleased with the treatment?
Had a breast augmentation with dr. peter. am very pleased with the outcome. Professional, friendly and very competent clinic staff. Recommend it
More information can be found:
poniedziałek, 21 listopada 2011
Beautiful look - who would not like that his eyes were always beautiful, with large expressive eyes.
Unfortunately, over the passage of time and with the genetic tendency to hide our eyes under the guise of our drooping eyelids.
Fortunately, there is method for this - plastic surgery called this correction eyelid or lifting eyelids.
This treatment remove excess skin upper or lower eyelids and smoothing of wrinkles around the eyes.
Correction of upper eyelid involves the removal of excess skin, which was founded as a natural skin fold. The treatment is completed foundation delicate stitches.
Correction of lower eyelid, this procedure also removed the excess skin, while the cutting is carried out under the eyelashes. In this case we also have to deal with the so-called. bags under the eyes, the excess must be also removed.
The procedure takes about an hour and is performed under local anesthesia.
Unfortunately, over the passage of time and with the genetic tendency to hide our eyes under the guise of our drooping eyelids.
Fortunately, there is method for this - plastic surgery called this correction eyelid or lifting eyelids.
This treatment remove excess skin upper or lower eyelids and smoothing of wrinkles around the eyes.
Correction of upper eyelid involves the removal of excess skin, which was founded as a natural skin fold. The treatment is completed foundation delicate stitches.
Correction of lower eyelid, this procedure also removed the excess skin, while the cutting is carried out under the eyelashes. In this case we also have to deal with the so-called. bags under the eyes, the excess must be also removed.
The procedure takes about an hour and is performed under local anesthesia.
piątek, 9 września 2011

The main materials supporting the building of the implant is titanium, alumina and zirconia. Their combination is well tolerated by the body and are strong enough to withstand the loads to which they are subjected to the roots of natural teeth.
In the jawbone, the dentist prepares the hole in which the implant is placed. The next stage is the process of healing, based on the production of our body by special cells whose job it is healed, the hole made in the bone and surrounding the titanium screws tightly. The entire healing process takes from 3 to 6 months. With proper oral hygiene implants will retain for life.
piątek, 19 sierpnia 2011
Correction of protruding ears - Myths and Facts.
Correction of protruding ears
Cosmetic surgery can improve the appearance of protruding ears. You can undergotreatment at any age, subject to the will of the operation. It happens often undertaken in children, but then when the young man alone is able to identify their needs and expectations. Feedback for parents who want to "beautify" your child against his will, they are usually only harmful. In practice, the children at the earliest operates six whenthe ear has already reached a size close to the final, and the development of thepatient suggests that it is easy to endure the stress and inconvenience of surgery.
Other methods of treatment only effective treatment for protruding ears is an operation.
All "home" means bonding or restraining ears only improve the well-being of parents and child uprzykrzają life. Abandoning them is sometimes even beneficial, allowing theyoung man to forget about the appearance of fine imperfections.
Anaesthesia The operation is done under local anesthesia. Patient all the timeconscious, but does not feel pain. Before surgery, but already on the operating table,the outline is painted małżowinach line along which the cuts will be conducted. In this area are given then a very thin needle injections. Feel it is only the first prick. All subsequent take place already in the anesthetized skin.
Smaller children, despite the absence of symptoms poorly tolerate operations withpreserved consciousness. Thus, in the case of kids sometimes used for general anesthesia.
For proper operation and lasting shape of the conchal cartilage plasty is needed. The skin is cleaved from behind the ear. After unveiling the cartilage, the surgeonsometimes hides in the depths of the ear shell. Then sculpts the shape of the new grobelki Emery or other tool. Subsequently the cartilage breaks down at this pointbending her back. To sustain assumes sutures, which remain under the skinforever.
Less commonly, the shell is cut out piece of cartilage which reduces its excessiveconvexity often responsible for the detachment of the ear.
The skin stitches are stitches that after a few days are removed.
Healing still on the operating table is expected dressing. It covers the entire ear andhead. In the early days of the ears are a little hurt. Symptoms disappear after analgesicmedication (paracetamol, APAP, Panadol or Saridon), which you can get at anypharmacy. Those more vulnerable in the office can get a prescription for strongermeasures with little action, although it is not usually necessary. While the pain isparticularly strong should notify your doctor.
The dressing is changed after two days. After a week is completely removed togetherwith stitches. Swelling or bruising should have in this period be less visible. Ears will remain slightly swollen and tender for several days after. Remaining after surgery scaris hidden in a furrow between the ear and skull.
Effect of operations remained to the end of life, provided that they avoid injury strongerin the initial period after treatment.
Cosmetic surgery can improve the appearance of protruding ears. You can undergotreatment at any age, subject to the will of the operation. It happens often undertaken in children, but then when the young man alone is able to identify their needs and expectations. Feedback for parents who want to "beautify" your child against his will, they are usually only harmful. In practice, the children at the earliest operates six whenthe ear has already reached a size close to the final, and the development of thepatient suggests that it is easy to endure the stress and inconvenience of surgery.
Other methods of treatment only effective treatment for protruding ears is an operation.
All "home" means bonding or restraining ears only improve the well-being of parents and child uprzykrzają life. Abandoning them is sometimes even beneficial, allowing theyoung man to forget about the appearance of fine imperfections.
Anaesthesia The operation is done under local anesthesia. Patient all the timeconscious, but does not feel pain. Before surgery, but already on the operating table,the outline is painted małżowinach line along which the cuts will be conducted. In this area are given then a very thin needle injections. Feel it is only the first prick. All subsequent take place already in the anesthetized skin.
Smaller children, despite the absence of symptoms poorly tolerate operations withpreserved consciousness. Thus, in the case of kids sometimes used for general anesthesia.
For proper operation and lasting shape of the conchal cartilage plasty is needed. The skin is cleaved from behind the ear. After unveiling the cartilage, the surgeonsometimes hides in the depths of the ear shell. Then sculpts the shape of the new grobelki Emery or other tool. Subsequently the cartilage breaks down at this pointbending her back. To sustain assumes sutures, which remain under the skinforever.
Less commonly, the shell is cut out piece of cartilage which reduces its excessiveconvexity often responsible for the detachment of the ear.
The skin stitches are stitches that after a few days are removed.
Healing still on the operating table is expected dressing. It covers the entire ear andhead. In the early days of the ears are a little hurt. Symptoms disappear after analgesicmedication (paracetamol, APAP, Panadol or Saridon), which you can get at anypharmacy. Those more vulnerable in the office can get a prescription for strongermeasures with little action, although it is not usually necessary. While the pain isparticularly strong should notify your doctor.
The dressing is changed after two days. After a week is completely removed togetherwith stitches. Swelling or bruising should have in this period be less visible. Ears will remain slightly swollen and tender for several days after. Remaining after surgery scaris hidden in a furrow between the ear and skull.
Effect of operations remained to the end of life, provided that they avoid injury strongerin the initial period after treatment.
środa, 3 sierpnia 2011

- the presentation by the patient’s complete history of his illness, medication and any other factor which helps in trial of whether the patient can undergo surgery
- skillful examination by the surgeon if patient may undergo surgery
- skills and qualifications of the surgeon
- skills and qualifications of the anesthesiologist (if applicable)
- skills and qualifications of the medical staff
- probability occurrence complications during surgery
- skills and qualifications of personnel responsible for the rehabilitation
- the patient’s consent to adhere to the protocol of postoperative
- probability of complications after surgery
Well done liposuction should not lead to any complications, but remember that this is a surgical intervention, and as with other operations such risk exists.
General complications that may occur include: asymmetry and discoloration due to bruising. It is also possible occurrence of hematoma, an accumulation of serous fluid and infection. For more serious include: fat tissue necrosis, the formation of fatty journal, deformation counters and general dissatisfaction and self-acceptance shoulder.
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