Polmed Travel are people who for generations are associated with medicine. On their experience and knowledge is based on our business. Its headquarters is located in Wroclaw, Poland - one of the most beautiful cities, known as the Venice of Northern Europe. Clinics we work with the highest standards when it comes to medical equipment. But our greatest asset are the doctors, experienced specialists in the field of plastic surgery, orthopedics, treatment of varicose veins and dentistry and implantology.
piątek, 29 lipca 2011
Over time and with the progress of present medicine, there are new and improved techniques of liposuction, giving better results and to enhance the safety and comfort of the patient during surgery.
The oldest technique of liposuction is so called TRADITIONAL – DRY LIPOSUCTION, involving the introduction of a standard tube without liquid and drain the residual fat tissue by using very high pressure. This procedure can cause extensive tissue injury, a significant blood loss, nerve damage and necrosis due to removal of important elements of tissue vascularization.
Another method based on traditional liposuction, and differing only inject a small amount of fluid (saline, epinephrine, lidocaine). The amount of injected fluid is less than the amount of fat removed, is a technique called WET.
Next one called VERY WET TECHNIQUE also draws on the injection of saline solution, epinephrine, lidocaine. The amount of solution injected is proportional to the amount of fat removed.
TUMESCENT - a method involving the use of saline solution, lidocaine (due to its anesthetic properties) and epinephrine (in order to shrink the blood vessels and thus blocking of bleeding). It's mostly about damming the bleeding, reduce swelling and bruising of the area subjected to liposuction. In this way, it is possible to remove the fatty tissue without serious damage to other tissues. The tumescent technique is often injected into two or three times what is the solution volume of fat to be removed.
TECHNOLOGY UAL, which uses ultrasonic waves or a titanium tube, is also called Lipoplasty. Ultrasound waves affect the fat cells by dissolving them. The dissolved fat is removed by a tube connected to a suction pump and a special container. If the ultrasound emitting tube is not supported professionally, you may get burned. Ultrasonic waves can also cause burns to skin tissue and burn surrounding tissue. To reduce discomfort after the procedure, a special solution which is used (saline, epinephrine and lidocaine). It also helps in distribution of ultrasonic waves, and cooled to prevent tissue burns.
TECHNOLOGY PAL (Power Assisted Liposuction) - a technique that is used for linear suction tube allows high-speed suction. PAL does not pose a risk of burns. Using a new tool surgeons are able to perform liposuction in a shorter time, without causing any injuries. PAL is less risk of injuries and less pain, while ensuring a faster healing process.
LASER TECHNOLOGY - using cold laser dissolves the fatty tissue, while the membrane remains intact adipocytes. Fat cells become flattened, without interrupting their wall. Laser technology is used usually in conjunction with the technique of tumescent for smaller areas. The organism is able to very effectively remove small deposits of fat in a natural way. Because the device does not generate heat (hence the name of cool or cold laser), there has been any damage related to the temperature used during the surgery. The procedure is as follows: holding the device over the area undergoing liposuction for 12 minutes, and then performs a small incision and removes the fat by using a small negative pressure.
środa, 27 lipca 2011

- peripheral blood morphology
- studies of blood group
- studies of platelet
- ABS Ag
- testing for HIV and HCV
- chest x-ray
Contraindication to surgery is:
- unregulated diabetes
- respiratory diseases
- cardiovascular diseases
- blood clotting disorders
- hyperthyroidism
- varicose veins
The best candidates to perform liposuction are people with normal body weight, with firm and elastic skin and excess fat in certain parts of the body. Obese a person is recommended that before surgery dropped a few pounds. Patients who qualified for the surgery for six hours prior to surgery is not given any food or fluids. The decision about how to take the plastic surgeon anesthesia, together with the anesthesiologist. Deal of anesthesia depends on the technique, scope and location of the surgery. Small operations take place under local anesthesia, those with a greater range of peripheral or general anesthesia. During one treatment, you can not suck a dose larger than three to four liters of fat, more can lead to serious complications.
środa, 20 lipca 2011
How to carry out a surgery in Poland?
Medical tourism has its roots in antiquity. People have long been overcome thousands of kilometers to reach the doctors. POLMED TRAVEL surrounds swoicj patient care and concern. They do not have to worry about getting lost in the city, or not knowing the language will not be able to communicate with your doctor. We are doing everything for them. Why? Because the patient must have peace and quiet so he can koncetrowac only on themselves. This needs his health. Read "Step by step," the brief instructions created by POLMED Travel, which explains how to use the services of medical tourism and how this process from first contact with us.
Step by step
Please read the information on the "Step by step".
- 1. Please read carefully the information contained on our website. If you have any questions, please complete an application form, or call: +(48) 669 979 831. By submitting this form to ask for anything you do not oblige.
- 2. Choose a treatment that interests you and fill out an application form. The form is on the menu bar at the contact options. Click a contact and complete the form. Then just click "send".
- 3. We'll give you a detailed plan to stay in Wroclaw, and a preliminary cost estimate and plan for surgery or medical treatments, and phone number of your supervisor.
- 4. After receiving the necessary information you need to decide whether you want to use the services of our clinic, and whether you decide to travel to Wroclaw.
- 5. If you decide to become a patient of one of our clinics, you must now fill out a medical form that you receive from us by email. Information from this form will be needed to pre-physician medical interview. If you choose surgery or dental anesthesia fill out the questionnaire.
- 6. We need to make sure that your health is good enough to be able to perform your chosen surgery. The final decision on the execution procedure takes the place of a doctor. It may also have performed additional medical tests . That everything is for the sake of your health.
- 7. Polmed Travel can help you choose suitable for you and the clinic date of arrival. We will make for You hotel or apartment reservation. We will help You to choose the appropriate means of transport: plane flight, coach, or your car. Our driver will pick You up from the airport, take You to the hotel. We will take care of You on the way to the Clinic. During Your stay in Wroclaw, You will receive from our company a mobile phone on the Polish network card, with important telephone contacts and a personal driver, who will drive You and receive from the clinic. This special VIP SERVICE costs 150 euros, but it gives you 100% comfort during Your stay. In Your room will be waiting for you a basket of surprise from our company. Polish tradition is hospitality!
- 8. You have to remember to take with You to Poland all needed medical records. What kind of documents will be needed, You will find out from us after a preliminary medical history ( dental or anesthetic survey). You always have with You a document proving your blood type. If you don’t know or don’t have your blood type tests done , you must do it before your arrivals to Poland or You can do it here, on place.
- 1. Member keeper, will be waiting for you at the airport or bus station. If you are traveling with your car, Your keeper will be waiting for You on the outskirts of the city, to lead you to your hotel or apartment also helps you with your accommodation.
- 2. Within next 24 hours of medical consultation will be carried out. During the consultation your treatment plan may change. These changes will result from the protection of your health. After the consultation you can enjoy the beauty of Wroclaw and admire its monuments. We will help You spend your time in Wroclaw very attractive. Shopping, spa, tours! Will meet your every request. Read tab tourist attractions in Wroclaw.
Prior to arrival no charge to you any fees or advance payments. Only in case of rupture of booking the apartment for 24 hours before arrival, the owner of the apartment will wait for the equivalent equal to the fee for one day. For medical treatment account for directly in the clinic. VIP Service Fee in the amount of 150 euros, will be on site on arrival.
środa, 13 lipca 2011
Healthy teeth in Wroclaw. Department of dentistry and implantology in Poland.
Introducing our range of services at the clinic dentistry and implantology. Our doctors, Dr. Thomas Kalinowski and Dr. Maciej Kuzniar, are experienced not only in surgery, butreconstructive and cosmetic dentistry. Again will restore the joy of beautiful smile.
Introducing our range of services at the clinic dentistry and implantology. Our doctors, Dr. Thomas Kalinowski and Dr. Maciej Kuzniar, are experienced not only in surgery, butreconstructive and cosmetic dentistry. Again will restore the joy of beautiful smile.
Consultation prosthetic
Include, amongst conversation with the patient, which allows you to explore their preferences, and through additional diagnostic tests, to determine the optimal prosthetic treatment plan.
Consultation Implantology
Include, amongst an interview with the patient, in which, taking into account the indications and contraindications implant, as well as relevant additional diagnostic tests, we determine the qualitative and quantitative implant treatment plan.
Is a local anesthetic to eliminate pain while maintaining consciousness. Apply to surface and infiltration anesthesia. Concerns the mucosal surface anesthesia and involves the use of drugs in the form of a spray or gel, and infiltration anesthesia involves anesthetic ostrzyknięciu chosen destination.
Digital X-ray
We use the technique of digital radiographic- Kodak Dental System, allowing you to reduce the radiological dose absorbed by the patient, the immediate receipt of an image on a computer screen and its computer processing in order to better illustrate the important details.
Digital panoramic X-ray
Scaling (scaling)
This procedure, which removed from the tooth surface plaque, soft and hard deposits, and the use of devices which emit ultrasound. This procedure can be performed on the surface of the over-and subgingival tooth.
prophylactic surgery performed in healthy permanent teeth and milk. Consists in covering the sealant (sealant) fissures, cracks and cavities in teeth. Sealing reduces the risk of tooth decay even at 90
Root canal treatment
This treatment of irreversible inflammation of the tooth pulp. Involves removing diseased pulp from the chamber as amended, and the channel of the tooth and filling the channel appropriate sealer and gutta percha.
Replacement of the drug
Is an additional treatment during root canal treatment, resulting from the need to take before the final filling the channel.
Filling 1 surface
Is prepared to fill the cavity on one tooth surface. We use this modern composite materials, compomers and ormocers.
Filling 2 surfaces
This filling the cavity involving two tooth surfaces
Filling 3 surfaces
This filling the cavity involving three tooth surfaces
Restoration of the tooth
Reconstruction of tooth- Reconstruction of tooth- damaged more than three tooth surfaces
Veneering with light-cured material
Aesthetic filling to cover the entire face surface of the tooth.
filling in the milk tooth
Filling in the milk tooth using composite materials or compomers.
bleaching overlay
The procedure starts with the impressions of dental arches of the patient. On their basis in the dental laboratory are prepared in individual, thin, transparent overlays. With the patient receives a set of pads syringes at a concentration of whitening agents10%, 15% or 20% depending on the sensitivity of the teeth. Overlay gel with the patient assumes the night (it is possible to wear during the day) for two weeks. If necessary, the overlays can be applied to the preparation against postoperative hypersensitivity.
whitening accelerator- BEYOND™ Teeth Whitening is a single treatment consisting of applying a special whitening gel on the teeth and then activated it by the light of the accelerator. Whitening gel is based on hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients designed to increase results and reduce sensitivity. Whitening gel under the influence of light from the accelerator increases the speed of BEYOND™ whitening gel transition through the enamel to the dentine. The light emitted by the accelerator speeds up the process of whitening teeth by increasing the frequency at which the compounds of hydrogen peroxide to break down. This causes rapid oxidation effect in the middle of the tooth structure, making visible discoloration is broken down into smaller and oxidized. The effect of bleaching are white, shiny teeth of the patient. The entire procedure takes about 45 minutes, but its length can vary depending on the case. BEYOND™ treatment is completely safe. The effect remains visible for an average of 2 years.
Removal of milk tooth
Service involves the removal of milk tooth under local anesthesia
Tooth extraction
Service involves the removal of the tooth under local anesthesia infiltration.
Surgical removal of impacted tooth
Service involves the removal of impacted tooth (wisdom tooth for example) under local anesthesia infiltration.
Surgical sutures
Used as the closure of larger wounds after surgery. Sutures are removed after 7-10 days.
piątek, 8 lipca 2011
Laser in aesthetic medicine. Price in Poland.
One of our readers, Tom asked about the price of laser treatments in aesthetic medicine. The following price list of our treatments given in euros. We remind you that answer all your questions.
Laser & Laser CO2
Laser Hair Removal | |
face | FROM 150 |
upper lip - mustache | 75 |
ears | 75 |
sideburns | 90 |
beard | FROM 90 |
neck | FROM 115 |
belly | 120-180 |
back | 180-250 |
torso | 150-220 |
bikini | 130-165 |
thigh | 180-220 |
calf | 180-220 |
axillary | 120-150 |
buttocks | 130-180 |
arms | 150-165 |
forearms | 150-165 |
hands | 90 |
| |
eye area | 180 |
cheeks | 180 |
forehead | 150 |
mouth area + beard | 255 |
whole face | 850 |
entire face + neck | 1150 |
decolletage | FROM 180 |
scars | FROM 200 |
Stretch Marks | FROM 140 |
closing of vessels | |
single vascular spider | FROM 75 |
single dish | 40 |
cheeks | 150 |
wings of the nose / round nose | 90-130 |
beard | FROM 130 |
whole face | FROM 220 |
calf | ABOUT 330 |
removal of erythema | |
cheeks | FROM 120 |
whole face | FROM 200 |
Face + neck | FROM 280 |
face + neck + shoulders | FROM 350 |
wtorek, 5 lipca 2011

Dental Implants | PRICE IN EURO |
Tooth implant (Bredent, MozoGrau, Camlog, Astra-Tech) | 800-900 |
MDI 3M whitening Sendax | 400 |
MDI Sendax 3M-Immediate stabilization of prostheses | from 1600 to 2500, (4-6 miniimplans + clips) |
Titanium abutment | 300-400 |
Cercon abutment | 350-450 |
Atlantis abutment | 450-600 |
Crown on implant | 300-400 |
Lava crown on the implant | 450 |
Ball abutment | 300-500 |
Abutment LOKATOR | 400-500 |
piątek, 1 lipca 2011
Plastic surgery after pregnancy
Motherhood does not mean that you can not look the same or even better than before pregnancy. Most women are positively oriented to "being pregnant" and is happy when it is mothers. But for some women, certain physical changes in appearance that occurafter pregnancy are not cause for joy. Fortunately, we do not need to "learn to love" their "natal" statue, as it had to do our grandmothers and great-grandmother. There are newcapabilities that allow you to retrieve the statue from before birth or even improve it.
Changes in the breasts appear at the very beginning of pregnancy. Gradually themammary gland grows and prepares to produce milk. After birth, the gland shrinks, leaving an empty space, which makes the breasts appear less full. Plastic surgery offerssafe and easy way to improve the appearance of the breast by placing the implants. The surgeon can perform this operation under general anesthesia. A small incision in the skin are almost impossible to detect. Most incisions are located under the breasts,around the areola or under the armpits. Implants can be placed under the breast or under the pectoral muscle. Sutures are removed after 7 days.
The aim of surgery is to increase the breast by the excision of excess skin. Change the position of the nipple and areola nipple. Scar after surgery may have a shape or an inverted T. I The majority of procedures performed under general anesthesia.
Excess skin on the belly is not the only problem for women after childbirth. A commonproblem is the separation of simple abdominal muscles during pregnancy, when they support an enlarged uterus. Very often, the muscles simply do not "converge" after giving birth, and arises at this point the weakening of the abdominal wall. Anotherproblem is the stretch marks around belly and navel. Abdominoplasty involves removalof excess abdominal skin (along with any stretch marks), zszyciu muscles and strengthening the abdominal wall and skin stretched zszyciu low around vs. diet.
Currently, most frequently performed operation in cosmetic surgery. Liposuction is used to sculpt the figure, reducing the bulge around the hips, buttocks and abdomen. Surgerycan be performed under general anesthesia or in the case of small suction surface,under local anesthesia. This treatment should be considered as a supplement to weight loss. It is not suitable for very obese women, although it may be an encouragement to change lifestyles and lose weight.
Do not be afraid to bear children. It's true that you will receive a beautiful body and beauty. If you are athletic and slim, probably after the birth you will not need medical intervention surgeon. Wystaczą regular exercise on the gym, jogging or aerobics, and after a year returned to a beautiful body forms. If the state is different and you will feelthat you want surgery, because it will help you mentally to regain self-confidence, do it.The most important would be a happy mum and not frustrated, nervous woman whofeels trapped in his own body. On several clinic operations always give a discount.
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